As leaders at Safe Harbor Crisis Center, our mission is to guide our team members and organization to achieve Safe Harbor’s vision to empower all individuals to live a life free of violence.

Sandra Marzilli

Housing Director

2022Sponsor-Haley Soto

Krista Duarte

Director of Mental Heath

2022Sponsor-Haley Soto

Emileigh Hillstead

Interim Development Director

Todd Hixson

Executive Director

Hannah Powell

Community Advocacy Director

2022Sponsor-Haley Soto

Shawna Bryant

Forensic Nursing Director

2022Sponsor-Haley Soto

Heather Butler

Shelter Director

2022Sponsor-Haley Soto

Claudia Kite

Shelter Associate Director


As Ambassadors of Safe Harbor, we bring our diverse and multi-disciplinary experience, talents, networks of incfluence, and the very best of our humanity in support of Safe Harbor’s vision to empower all individuals to live a life free of violence. 

2022Sponsor-Haley Soto

Amanda Tullis

Board Chair

2022Sponsor-Haley Soto



2022Sponsor-Haley Soto

Haley Soto

Vice Chair

2022Sponsor-Haley Soto

Lori Belnap Pehrson


2022Sponsor-Steven Ito

Allen Swanson

Rebecca Greer

2022Sponsor-Steven Ito

Bryce Olsen

2022Sponsor-Haley Soto

Shawn Beus

2022Sponsor-Haley Soto

Sandra Castillo

2022Sponsor-Haley Soto

Leah Moses

2022Sponsor-Steven Ito

Jim Gramoll

2022Sponsor-Steven Ito

Patrick Kendell

2022Sponsor-Haley Soto

Lorene Kamalu

Mark Parsons