Children's Services
Research has shown that children exposed to violence are more likely to:
- Abuse drugs and alcohol;
- Suffer from depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic disorders;
- Fail or have difficulty in school;
- Become delinquent and engage in criminal behavior.
Additionally, exposure to violence in childhood is an Adverse Childhood Experience and can have long term impacts extending into adulthood, including mental and physical health effects as well as the continuation of violence as a perpetrator or victim.
The good news is that there things that can be done now to reduce these impacts!
Safe Harbor’s Children’s Program employs three trained Children’s Advocates who can work with children who’ve witnessed or experienced violence to help.
Children's Advocates work with children on:
- Safety planning
- Healthy coping techniques
- Emotional identification
- Healthy emotional expression
- Boundary setting
- Identifying safe people
- Coping with change
Children's Advocates work with the non-abusing parent to:
- Teach parenting skills
- Share healthy discipline strategies
- Help identify approaches for individual situations and challenges
- Develop positive communication techniques
- Provide information about domestic violence impact on children
- And develop individual strategies for each family situation
Children's Advocates offer group activities including:
- Children’s Education Groups
- Parent and child craft activities for bonding
- Storytime
- Drop-off Childcare
Now is the time to help children start healing.
Click here to make a donation to support our children’s services.