Outreach Programs

Most individuals experiencing domestic abuse never require shelter. If you think you may be in an abusive situation and want to talk about your options, contact our Outreach Advocates, 385-515-4044, M-F, 9-6.

Our help line is always open, 801-444-9161.

Our Outreach services include:

  • Education, awareness, and personal empowerment
  • Safety planning
  • Advocacy
  • Case management
  • Protective Order assistance
  • Stalking injunction assistance
  • Information
  • Resources
  • Advocacy and coordination with criminal justice, law enforcement, legal, and social services as well as medical and mental health personnel
  • Referrals
  • Support for family and friends of survivors
  • Support Groups including: Domestic Violence 101; Domestic Violence 201; Parenting Groups; Sexual Trauma and Recovery (STAR); Teen-STAR; Children’s Groups
  • All services are FREE
  • Services are available in Spanish | Si Español

Experiencing Abuse?

Call our 24/7 hotline anytime to speak to someone, 801-444-9161. We are happy to talk with those impacted by abuse – including friends and family. 

About the Outreach Center

Located at 223 Larson Ln, Layton, UT 84041, the Outreach Center is a satellite location that collocates sexual assault advocacy, legal advocacy, and domestic abuse advocacy services for adults and children in a community setting.

Many people don’t realize that even if you are experiencing abuse, you do not have to come into a shelter. Most survivors never need shelter, which is one reason we opened the accessible Outreach Center. You can come talk to an advocate about your experience and we can help you problem solve and safety plan for your unique situation. All our services are free and confidential (please be aware that we are mandatory reporters for child abuse).

Are you wondering if what you are experiencing is abuse? Many people think that domestic violence/abuse only involves hitting, but abuse can take many forms. Our advocates can talk to you about your situation. Call our 24/7 hotline anytime to speak to someone, 801.444.9161 or our Outreach Center staff during business hours, 385.515.4044.

We are also happy to talk with those impacted by abuse including friends and family. These services are also free.


Community Education

Safe Harbor Crisis Center is committed to community outreach. It is part of our mission to provide domestic violence and sexual assault education, awareness, and resources to our community.

You can request a Safe Harbor Crisis Center representative to come to your school, church, community group or other organization to conduct a 45-minute presentation. Many groups request this presentation to launch or conclude a fundraising drive. If you have donations, the presenter will be happy transport (as long as they fit in his/her vehicle!).

If you would like to schedule a presentation, please call 801-444-3191 or email us at info@safeharborhope.org.


The Lethality Assessment Protocol (LAP) is an evidence-based assessment protocol proven to save lives, improve prosecution rates and decrease domestic violence related homicides in over 30 states. How does this work? The LAP protocol directs members of law enforcement responding to a domestic call to conduct an 11 question lethality screen with the victim. When the screen indicates a high risk of a lethal level of violence, the officer makes immediate contact with Safe Harbor, to connect the survivor to services that could increase safety and save their life.

Utah has a higher rate of domestic violence-related homicide than the national average.

In the last ten years, over 40% of homicides in Utah were domestic violence related.

This statistic represents lost mothers, daughters, children, fathers, sons, and valued family members.

Support our Outreach Programs

If you are interested in starting a fundraising drive for Safe Harbor, please check out our wish list, learn about Shop and Give, or call us at 801-444-3191