Prevention Blog and Resources
Stay up to date on what is happening in prevention, events that are happening at Safe Harbor and across Utah, and find resources and tools to create change within your community.
1 in 3 women* in Utah will experience some form of sexual violence in her lifetime. This shocking statistic brings to light the severity in which our community is facing violence and assault- two issues that are rarely talked about. But the reality is, there are most...

Let’s Talk About Financial Abuse
What image comes to mind when you think of domestic abuse? Typically the answers we hear are a bruised and battered woman- there is hitting, screaming, and a lot of tears. An image you might not be seeing in your mind is one where the perpetrator is denying their partner of their own money, destroying their line(s) of credit, and making all the financial decisions.
See the problem, use your voice
Written by Andrew Creer“Every year approximately 80 Utah children witness the murder or attempted murder of their mother.” When I began working on a public relations campaign for Safe Harbor Crisis Center, I didn’t fully understand how important the work they do is or...

Early Childhood Consent and Body Safety
Normally when we think about consent and the context in which it is taught, our mind goes to a group of college freshmen who are being taught that it is okay to say no and when they do that they should be respected. But maybe that is part of the issue, waiting until...

Prevention Resources
We have compiled a list of some of our favorite resources for prevention. Below you will see the resources are divided amongst key prevention tactics- healthy relationships, bystander intervention, and gender stereotypes. We will be frequently updated this list so be...

Prevention: What’s Next?
Domestic violence is an issue that has the potential to affect anyone regardless of age, gender, race, religion, and socio-economic background. Today in Utah, 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men have experienced some form of physical violence by an intimate partner1. This...
1 in 3 women* in Utah will experience some form of sexual violence in her lifetime. This shocking statistic brings to light the severity in which our community is facing violence and assault- two issues that are rarely talked about. But the reality is, there are most...

Let’s Talk About Financial Abuse
What image comes to mind when you think of domestic abuse? Typically the answers we hear are a bruised and battered woman- there is hitting, screaming, and a lot of tears. An image you might not be seeing in your mind is one where the perpetrator is denying their partner of their own money, destroying their line(s) of credit, and making all the financial decisions.
See the problem, use your voice
Written by Andrew Creer“Every year approximately 80 Utah children witness the murder or attempted murder of their mother.” When I began working on a public relations campaign for Safe Harbor Crisis Center, I didn’t fully understand how important the work they do is or...

Early Childhood Consent and Body Safety
Normally when we think about consent and the context in which it is taught, our mind goes to a group of college freshmen who are being taught that it is okay to say no and when they do that they should be respected. But maybe that is part of the issue, waiting until...

Prevention Resources
We have compiled a list of some of our favorite resources for prevention. Below you will see the resources are divided amongst key prevention tactics- healthy relationships, bystander intervention, and gender stereotypes. We will be frequently updated this list so be...

Prevention: What’s Next?
Domestic violence is an issue that has the potential to affect anyone regardless of age, gender, race, religion, and socio-economic background. Today in Utah, 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men have experienced some form of physical violence by an intimate partner1. This...